Hi, I am Amabel

A passionate Software Developer with experience in Web and Desktop application development.

About Me

I love to create!

I first learnt how to code during my polytechnic days in NYP and since then, I never stopped! I then went on to study Computer Science in NUS, where I graduated in the year 2020.

Throughout the years, I have picked up new technologies and frameworks such as React, Angular and Vue. In addition, I have experience in backend development with .NET, Java Spring Boot, etc.

When I am not coding, I enjoy travelling, playing games and browsing reddit.


National University of Singapore

Bachelor of Computing in Computer Science (with Honours)

August 2017 - June 2020

  • Awarded the University Engineering Scholarship
  • Focus area in Software Engineering

Nanyang Polytechnic

Diploma in Information Technology

March 2014 - May 2017

  • Awarded the NYP-Industry Scholarship
  • Member of SIT Club Executive Committee (2014-2015)
  • Member of AISP-NYP Student Chapter Committee (2016-2017)

Work Experience

  • Software Engineer, NCS Pte Ltd

    May 2020 - Present

    • Developed an Inventory Management System which helps users to maintain their inventory.
    • Assisted in setting up servers, which includes installation of relevant middleware and virtual machines.
  • Development Technologist (Part-Time), NYP

    October 2019 - January 2020

    • Developed an AR indoor navigation prototype application for both iOS and Android. The prototype helps to identify the current capabilities of ARWorld (for iOS) and ARCore (for Android) for future development.
  • Software Engineer Intern, Zooloo Information Systems Pte Ltd

    May 2019 - August 2020

    • Implemented an Object Character Recognition application using Google Vision API to extract data from airway bills, which helps to reduce the need for manual input.
    • Developed web elements using Angular 8 and integrated them with Sitefinity CMS to upgrade an existing web portal.
  • Development Technologist (Contract), NYP

    March 2017 - July 2017

    • Upgraded the existing NYP Connect web application system using ASP.NET to streamline administrative process. The system is responsible for bookings and event management for Nanyang Polytechnic’s Alumni Relations department.
    • Involved in the development of a livestreaming desktop application for clients which helps to increase engagement levels between parties involved in a streaming session.
    • Coordinated training for potential competitors for the World Skills Singapore Competition in the IT Software Solutions for Business Category. Taught the fundamentals of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) for the development of business solutions.
  • Internship Student, ST Electronics

    July 2016 - September 2016

    • Designed forms using SharePoint to aid the companies’ day to day operations. For example, the IT support ticketing system helps the IT department to process and resolve requests in an efficient manner.


Game tracker
Game Tracker

A game management library web application to track the game status of backlog.

It makes use of the RAWG Video Games API to get the game data.

RSA, AES Example
RSA & AES Example

A simple example for using RSA and AES together for both Java and C#.


SocialCare is a Java Desktop Application done in the NUS CS2103 (Software Engineering) module.

The task was to morph the given address book application into another application. My team chose to convert it into a volunteering management system.


Made as part of the NUS Orbital programme. Wish is a web application which allows users to create and manage their wishlists and guestlists.

Contact Me

Feel free to connect with me! I don't bite!